Re: Re: 4.7 SLT outruns the R/T 5.9

Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 14:11:31 EST

In a message dated 01/07/2000 7:04:17 PM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< And the 454 always seemed like an engine
 that would just suck down gas almost as fast as you could fill it up.

actually the 454 is a great motor. mabey it doesnt have the high Hp ratings
but the torque # are up there. i had a crew cab 4x4 and yeah it only got 8
mpg loaded or unloaded towing or not, but if you need a work horse motor
for pulling or towing HEAVY loads a big block is the only way to go. any big
block wether chevy ford or dodge. remember torque is what gets you moving on
the street. I loved the power of my 454 but the gas mileage was pretty bad.
And a BB can be made to have some power. yeah i know a small block can be
made with more hp but for on demand torque the BB cant be beat

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