Re: Re: 4.7 SLT outruns the R/T 5.9?

Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 20:57:03 EST

In a message dated 01/10/2000 11:31:21 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

<< And again, I haven't met any R/T owners who were assholes... I must say
 is the friendliest group of owners I have met. >>

come where i live. but than again i live in LA where they are wall to wall
here. ive met one Rt owner who didnt think he was gods gift because he had a
RT. that was my friend Hank. the other people i met who had v6s and plain
dakotas were totally cool and fun to be with. ( Oldsnut and smoking dakota
being 2 of them)

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