Re: Houston Raceway Park this Friday evening anyone?

Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 01:51:47 EST

Richard, I'll probably be there when they open around 6 - 6:30. Let me
know about what time you are getting there and I'll try and show up about
the same time. If anyone else wants to come out I'll have the video camera.
 Free mpegs for all who show!......


>Hey Mike,
>I'm working on it with my wife.
>I haven't run my truck since getting my very own SBEC, so I'd like ot
give it
>a shot.
>I'll have to get my truck inspected first, I going to leave the SBEC in
>see what the result is.
>I'm working in Channelview now, so I could get there pretty easily and
>enough to avoid the crowd and not stay too late. What time would you
>Any other takers? I'm sure you can count on Gene.

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