Re: DML Cards was: license plates

From: Preacher (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 17:30:26 EST

Take a look at this link

I did up some cards a while back and have handed out 50 or so. Feel free if
it's something you wan to use. I printed them up on an inkjet using
cardstock from Avery (available at any office supply place and most computer
stores like CompUSA etc)


----- Original Message -----
From: GS- <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 5:02 PM
Subject: DML Cards was: DML: license plates

> Jon, I know this idea has been brought up before, but I went into
> a store the other day and when I came back out someone had parked their
> really nice looking Dak next to mine. I wanted to tell the guy about the
> DML, but was in a super hurry and I don't think he saw my sticker. It
> would
> be nice to have some DML cards to stick under the windshield. If
> anything
> it would help raise the memberships in pickup truck states like mine,
> where
> I see multitudes of nice Dakotas. Some type of introduction card would
> be
> great with one of the sticker logos printed on it.
> If I need to do a local thing let me know and please suggest what you
> want printed on the card.
> Thanks
> GS -
> Jon Steiger wrote:
> > Hey, I'm just one guy! (with a real job to pay the bills and a mess
> > of other projects to work on to boot...) :-) Currently, there are just
> > the stickers, but the calendars are being printed as we speak (write?).
> > Just a few of the other possibilities I have floating around my brain
> > license plate frames, t-shirts, sweatshirts, embroidered polo shirts and
> > jackets, mouse pads, parking signs, etc... (I know, it sounds so
> > commercial, but *ALL* proceeds would go into the DML coffers to keep the
> > list running. If the interest is there for something, DMLers get
> > something cool to show their affiliation with this great community, and
> > the DML gets to pay its ISP bills for a few more days...)
> >
> > BTW, If anyone has an idea for a cool "DML thing" and the connections
> > to pull it off, you are welcome to set something up; either by yourself,
> > we can work together. The only things I ask is that I must approve of
> > if it has the DML name/logo/URL on it (I have to protect the DML and its
> > reputation) and that a portion of the proceeds go to the DML to help pay
> > for ISP hosting costs.
> >
> > -Jon-
> >
> > .--- -- or -- ------------.
> > | Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL
> > | '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly
447 |
> > `---------------------------- ---'

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