Frank W J - I really appreciated your post and agree wholeheartedly. I am
taking delivery of my 4.7 , 5 speed Dak this Saturday, I have been mostly
lurking on the list. I have appreciated hearing about the oil filler gunk
build up, this is useful information which will help me in the future. I
did ask one question about 3 weeks ago about mounting a CD player under the
bucket seats but I did not receive any replies. What I have seen are
rambling threads on lowering a truck and what seems like several hundred
messages on whether the 4.7 is faster than the 5.9; there are some of us who
really don't care if one is faster than the other, but would be more
interested in exchanging useful information about our trucks. I sometimes
get the feeling in following some of the threads that I am listening in on a
junior high locker room discussion.
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