Re: RE: 00 Dak 4.7 Mileage??

From: Jason Grubb (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 08:20:31 EST

One thing about your post (not related to the subject) bothers me. New cams
are supposed to be broken in at 2000 rpm, not idle. That might be why there
were so many metal shavings??

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Tom" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: DML: RE: 00 Dak 4.7 Mileage??

> At 11:47 AM 1/12/00 -0600, you wrote:
> >Mine is only 2 weeks old and I get the about the same, 13-14. Since I
> >really haven't done any highway driving except the day I bought it, I
> >know about the highway mileage. I just passed the 1K miles mark, once it
> >breaks in, I'll be more worried about it. Someone recommended that I
> >the oil at 1K miles, and somebody else suggested 6K, is there any
> consensus on this?
> >--Brian T. Carter
> I do the 1000 mi. change on my vehicles just in case of possible metal
> and shavings from a completely new motor. I've heard opinions about not
> needed
> with today's better materials and better tolerances. Well, I had the MP
> put in last summer and proper installation calls for running the motor at
> idle for x number of minutes and then changing oil/filter. Good thing!
> At the change, we found a surprising amount of filings/shavings in the
> oil pan ... repeated the breakin procedure once more for safety sake ...
> then changed oil/filter again ... was clean the second time ... and I
> am using synthetic oil. It's inexpensive insurance. My increasing valued
> Bob. Southern Ontario, Canada.
> '97 Dakota CC Sport, FR, 5.2L, 3.55 SG, auto.

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