With today quality control, 26K is low mileage and not considered broken in
(with mild foot placement on the metal). I have seen cars (example 300Z-10
years old) with 130K and was selling for half of the original price.
Depending upon the demand in your area for that particular vehicle, price it
in the middle.
Steven St.Laurent
Test Engineer
Test Branch, GSD,MCTSSA
mailto:stlaurents@mctssa.usmc.mil (work)
mailto:Saint1958@home.com (home)
Office: (760) 725-2296
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason&Sarah [mailto:Jpm699@email.msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2000 7:09 AM
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
Subject: DML: Re: Whats my truck worth?
I would look at what Kelley Blue Book says your trade in value is. If I
were to purchase a vehicle from someone or sell one I would look at the low
blue book value. 26000 miles is a lot of miles! I have a 98 that I got in
3/98, almost 2 years ago and just past the 12000 mile mark!
>I need some feedback. I put my truck out on Yahoo and eBay. Mainly because
>my truck is back in the shop AGAIN (its been a week) to have the computer
>fixed, and I can't let it sit out somewhere or put it in the paper. There
>retarding the timing 4 degrees. Anyway, I have my truck out there for
>19,500. Its a 99, fully loaded 4x4 CC, it does have less then 26,000 miles.
>People keep offering me 18,000 for it, saying that it has to many miles on
>it. What do you guys think? Kelly Blue Book says that retail on my truck is
>over 21,000. Most places near me are selling these trucks anywhere from
>21,000 to 23,000. With this kind of miles on it. Am I asking to much? What
>would you guys sell it for. Thanks!
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