Re: Orange indicator adjustment

From: Mike Crumley (
Date: Thu Jan 13 2000 - 13:35:45 EST

At 05:08 PM 1/12/00 , you wrote:
>Does anyone know the procedure for adjusting the gear indicator on a 99 auto?
>It's off a little in D & 2, and it can't be that difficult, but would like
>the "how-to's" anyway. Thanks

The proper procedure for adjusting a 99 is to take it to the dealer under
warranty. But if you're one of those people (like me) who doesn't want to
be super picky about everything or if you don't have time, then check the
DML archives. There has been detailed discussion about this in the past.
Basically you have to pull the dash off and locate the wire that goes
between the shifter and the indicator. There is an adjustment wheel on the

Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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