<<No, you hate them more after an accident because that's when you find how
much they can screw really you over.
Like when they take 3 months to pay out the value of your motorcycle that
you bought 42 days before the accident and you have a complete receipt for
That definitely sucks... No two ways about it.
<<The whole point of an insurance company is to take as much money in as they
can and pay out as little as possible, even when it is clear from a legal
standpoint that they HAVE to pay.
And yes i'm speaking from personal experience.
Insurance companies just plain suck,>>
I'll be the last one to put up a fight for insurance co's... In my book they
are a necessary evil (with an emphasis on the evil). My point was/is that they
just love to jack up the premiums and use vandalism and fraud as their primary
reasons to do so.
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