Re: another day, another magnum

From: Frank Johnson (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 11:01:07 EST

Sounds like the driver was a prick.

Frank WJ

>From: "Mike D." <>
>Subject: DML: another day, another magnum
>Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 17:34:21 -0500
>maybe the mighty premag (not known as the people's premag) still has a
>little mighty left in it...
>picture it... light traffic... some jerk off in Quad Cab runnin' aound
>cuttin' people off, not using a turn signal, weaving, the whole 9... so,
>I figure "lets see what this guy's got"... I roll up and I see a V6
>badge... ooooooohh maaaannn... I've been lookin' for a 6er QC to pounce
>on for a while, so I'm ready....I give him a couple "come get some" revs
>and he replies with a "aiight" rev. It's on.....
>The light changes and I give him the drop. He chrips em', so I know he
>means business... I'm on it hard, and get some wheelspin off the line. I
>hook up and leap right up to his door (the front one). I hit 2nd with a
>bark and get a few more feet on him. By mid way through 2nd he's at my
>rear wheel and I'm pullin' away. Got him by about 5 lengths before I got
>out of it...
>Then, he wanted to go again at the next light!! Best 2 out of 3? Okay!
>Got him again, this time I didn't let him get the drop... he never saw
>anthing but tailgate...
>man, I'm pretty cool with other dakota owners (gotta' help a brotha'
>out!), but nothing feels better than spankin' an a$$hole no matter what
>he drives....
>just thought I'd share =)
>-mike d.
>---> Yorktown, Va.
>88 6er LE, slammed, modded, painted, and can clear speed bumps just fine,
>thank you! =)
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