Re: Firestik vs. Radio Shack

From: Dave Scelfo (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 17:12:36 EST

>I'm looking to install my CB in my Dak soon and I want to run dual
>antennae's behind the cab. I checked out and really liked
>their product, but $80.00 for the setup????? I visited Radio Shack Last
>night and took a look at what they had to offer. They have a dual 2ft. and
>dual 4ft. setup, both are around $45.00. The both had a new antennae that
>looked VERY similar to the Firestik. They had the adjustable potentiometer
>in the top and a lifetime guarantee. Is there such a big difference in the
>Firestik that I should spend the extra money? I'm not hat serious about CB
>ing that I feel I need the absolute best, but I don't want crap either.
> Any Suggestions????

Hmmm. I've heard that dual setups are a big waste on such a small truck as
they just interfere with each other... I'm not a CB expert by any stretch
of the imagination but its sounds believable in theory.


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