The '95 Model Daks, atleast v6 models, had a cold start condition in
which a computer flash was necessary to fix. There is a TSB out about
it... I notice on the hood of my truck it has a sticker that says
Computer Updated: TSB 123456789 (or something to that effect). I looked
it up and it says something to the effect of Poor Cold starting. I got
the truck after this was done, so that's about all I know.
'95 DSCC 5pd v6
Robert Howe wrote:
> I had this problem in my 95 V6... replaced out that Dodge stock battery with
> a Sears battery... haven't slow started yet in this really cold CA climate.
> Robert Howe
> 1995 V6 4x4
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Date: Sunday, January 23, 2000 2:12 PM
> Subject: DML: Cleaning the IAC/Truck Dies in the Cold
> >For anyone that's done this, a few dumb questions if you don't mind...
> >
> >1.) Just want to confirm the IAC is attached to the back of the TB and the
> >is attached to the side, right?
> >2.) Do I need to remove it to clean it or just spray some Gummout down the
> >idle air "valley" on the TB base?
> >
> >I'm trying to cure the dying condition my 5.2L '98 has just developed in
> the
> >cold... I'm not convinced this is the problem as the TB and bores are
> >absolutely spotless to the naked eye but I'd thought I'd give it a try
> anyway.
> >
> >Thinking ahead that this may be more of a bad battery or TSB problem that
> was
> >posted before, do any of you Canadian's or state's folks in cold climates
> find
> >your trucks hard to crank when it's sat overnight in the cold??? My truck
> will
> >fire up and run on the first crank but it cranks really, really slow...
> >
> >TIA!
> >Tom
> >
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