Re: ATTN: Rob 4 Wheel Questions

Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 19:08:53 EST

In a message dated 01/27/2000 4:31:30 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

<< are you sure???? I mean it is EXTREMELY possible that I'm wrong ('cause
 a dope) but it just doesn't sound right that it doesn't have a 2 wheel drive
 option? I mean these things are gas guzzling tire eating monsters and then
 if you got all four wheels goin all the time??? I don't know.
 Joe G.
. i saw the shifter but there was no slot for 2 hi. i may be wrong. the later
models had a all wheel drive which didnt even give you a shifter. the thing
sent power to all 4 wheels all the time

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