Re: RE: Tires for sale

Date: Sat Jan 29 2000 - 02:48:27 EST

my goodyears are great on the freeway, they just suck at everything else. not
kidding you i was stuck with my tires in about 2 inches of mud. The itres
were barely in the mud. if you would look at a tire measure about 2 inches
from where it would make contact with the ground. i just couldnt move because
the STUPID tires were packed with mud and at GOODYEAR they have never heard
the term self cleaning tires. no matter how fast i spun the tires i just sat
there. finally my buddy in his toyota pyulled me out. so im selling all the
tow straps i can this weekend to get some decent 32 muds, and im selling
these to the first guy who wants them good year RTS 31. i figure 200 $ and
im still probably ripping the guy off. i guess it would be great for a mall
going SUV or a show pick up truck

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