RTV.....once more time!

From: Kyle Kozubal (grndak4x4@home.com)
Date: Tue Feb 01 2000 - 23:51:18 EST

While I was looking through this site: http://www.permatex.com/ ,trying to
figure out what is the BEST RTV to use, I became overwhelmed with choices.
All of the Permatex RTV's have the same applications of valve covers, oil
pans, timing covers, water pumps, thermostat housings, and transmission
pans. I first thought normal ole' Ultra Black would be fine, but is there a
better choice? I DO NOT want to worry about having leaking problems after I
do this, and I want to use the best RTV I can. I see there is a Ultra Blue
No Leak RTV, which is 3 times more oil resistant than conventional
silicones. I also see HiTemp(red) RTV which is made for hi-temp
applications, or heavy-duty use and higher temps. How hot do diffs really
get, especially that I am using Amsoil synthetic? For all the RTV types
Permatex makes, go to:
Am I making this harder than it really is? I want to get a tube tomorrow, so
any and all advice/input is much appreciated. Thanks once again for bearing
with me and helping me decide on what is the best for my Dak, as anal as I
may be.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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