Whoops, kept forgetting to read carefully. You've got a '93. THey
changed the arm design, obviously. I just have a hook on the end of
Kyle Kozubal wrote:
> > Flat? I never even looked at those. I ended up using the 9x4mm Hook Arm
> > adapter (looking at the instruction sheet for the names), it's the
> > biggest one. I tried the 9mm Hook Arm adapter but it didn't "feel"
> > right so I went for the other. I tried to match what was on the
> > original wipers.
> On my Dak's wiper arms, there is a pin coming off of them. I simply chose
> the correct pin size, the smaller of the two choices, on the Silblade wipers
> and slide them onto that pin. The flat piece snaps onto the pin to hold it
> securely onto the arm. Hope this helps.
> Kyle
> 93 Dakota 4x4 V6
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@bigfoot.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Let's all get GNU'd together! -----------------------------------------------------------
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