Re: Coil help--Uh-oh

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 17:27:53 EST

> Out of curiousity yesterday when I went to the strip with Sam, Tony and
> company, I decided to see if Tony's coil would help my supposedly dying
> (according to Bernd's scan tool thingy) stock coil. Guess what?? Tony's
> Durango coil has a different plug than mine, as well as looks different.
> Does this mean that I'm gonna have to go to a "universal" coil?? Don't
> really want to but........ HELP!!!!

Basically you want a new coil correct? A new "performance coil" at that,
correct? Try looking at Accels website and looking through their catalog; I
am using Accel's Super Coil, #140021, and it just bolted right up.
The coil I am talking about is here, at the bottom half of the page: or
There is an adapter harness for this coil below it. Did this help you out at
all??????? Good Luck.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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