Way to go Brett! Another score for the Dakota (the greatest small compact
Steven St.Laurent
Test Engineer
Test Branch, GSD,MCTSSA
mailto:stlaurents@mctssa.usmc.mil (work)
mailto:Saint1958@home.com (home)
Office: (760) 725-2296
-----Original Message-----
From: flemingb@vtls.com [mailto:flemingb@vtls.com]
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 9:25 AM
To: Dakota Truck
Subject: Re: DML: Seriously Stuck
No way... That's right down the road from me. Funniest thing, I went
with a few buddies a couple monthes back and went through that hole, no
It's got one nasty drop right at the end though, and it swallowed my front
license plate whole 'BWF'. Any who, the ford f150 that tried to follow me
sucked mud into the clutch and... well, shot story is my little dak got to
that sucker all the way back up the montain.
Anyways, if you need some help digging, give me a ring at work or home
or 552-9261 or email me here flemingb@vtls.com. I've got a steel cable as
welll... Nothing better if you've got some good pullies.
--//" Brett W. Fleming - Software Engineer "\\ //" "\\ //" Do, or do not. There is no try. -Yoda "\\
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