RE: Trans Cooler

From: Stlaurent Mr Steven (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 09:55:41 EST

Anyone know if the 2000 has a trans cooler on it already?

Steven St.Laurent
Test Engineer
Test Branch, GSD,MCTSSA
MARCORSYSCOM, US Marine Corps (work) (home)
Office: (760) 725-2296

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: DML: Trans Cooler

Hey, I put one on my 92 when it was new, I now have 154,000 and tow and mash
the loud pedal all the time.......... On the original trans. My guess is
they can't hurt.

Dennis Nottingham
92 CC 5.2 AUTO

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