Re: pulley pricing?? / Shipping costs

Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 16:54:41 EST

<< yea. okay. The pullys costs 70 dollars. On the invoice. I paid 7
 for the extra 2nd day delivery, then they also charged me another 7 dollars
 for packaging. I swear to it,
 -Dester >>

Hmmm, that's weird. They never did that to me. Maybe they screwed up? Try
calling them. They're not in the business of screwing people over, and they
may credit you if it is a mistake. They once sent me a free jacket just for
being a repeat customer...

'94 Dakota 318 - 15.24 @ 89
'68 Camaro 355 - 12.02 @ 112

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