(My best Russian accent)
Subject line correkshun reflecting truu facts abot story.
Comrad Gene ve understan dat during heat of razing yur
R/T vas pazzing hiz front bumper vhen BANGski!!!, de
driveshaft blew. Obiviously yu vere on yur vay to great
victory vhen imperial capitalizt vehicle (Russian for raw fish
and rice) forzed yu ovv road breaking driveshaft. Please note
dat in futurre yur emailz will pazz truu special POL...er uh
*BUREAU* zo as to eztablish zertain facts. Yu vere tol BE
CAREFUL vhen razing SC machinz vit R/T, but yuur cowboy..
GS ****
(disclaimer - *TEST*)
> Comrad Gene Rivers" <webmaster@mopars.net wrote:
> Howdy all,
> Well, the R* finally b****. The driveshaft b**** at the p**** y*** Sat =
> evening. I was running down a Toyota Tacoma (turns out it was a SC'd =
> truck) when a* a* e******* r*** of sped the D/S t****** off.
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