The SEMA show is only open to aftermarket manufacturers, distributors and OEM.
The general public can't go. You have to be a SEMA member to go. You can walk
around outside, but not gain admittance to the exhibit halls. Best idea is to
hook up with a company that is a SEMA member and get them to get you a pass. Do
it fast, hotels sell out very quickly for that week! This show is designed to
show off the newest stuff from manufacturers that distributors can get to sell
their customers. It is not a general show. No vehicle show with trophies and
Grep - talk to me directly about this.
Jim wrote:
> Hey all
> I was jsut looking at the Sema Show webpage ( and I was
> wondering if there would be a decent DML showing there or not...
> Also I was wondering on prices for attending the show adn jsut a general
> cost for going up to see it...
> Greg
> PS Please excuse my ignorance I am onyl 16 for gods sake!
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