ok, I got excited :)
ummmm, March 18th, my house, party, y'all invited :)
Dak content...uh, uh, vroom vroom!
PUT UP INFO ON HOTELS - still waitin on a couple places for group rates, but
they will be up ASAP!!!!!!
Y'all know the scoop, party, my house, picnic, races afterwards, sign up
with me so I know how many are going to be here, let me know what you want
to bring (providing food, be nice, pitch in and bring something) Volleyball
(provided the dogs don't eat it), Horseshoe's, Frisbee (cool pack I got from
Wal Mart- *laugh*), Darts, Dakota's, Durango's, Ram's, Jimmy (yeah, my best
friend drives a Jimmy don't harass her please)
For more info or just to check it out...
(ya know, the one with the BLUE one)
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