Thansk for the tip and the common sense approach to a suspected virus. I
don't think the e-mail came from someone who got access to this list
since I didn't get one, but I may have just been lucky.
Again, thanks.
Richard in San Antonio
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000 07:20:36 -0600 "Michael J. Satterfield"
<mikeys01@flash.net> writes:
> Someone may be using the Dakota mailing list to get email addresses
> to send
> out harmful things. I've noticed a few weird emails since I joined
> the
> list. This morning I checked my email and had one from a person
> named
> "dugan." The email had an attachment called "PrettyPark.exe". The
> message
> in the email simply said: PrettyPark.exe :) I immediately
> recognized the
> name of this as a bad virus. I had read about it at the Norton
> Antivirus
> site (www.symantec.com).
> I followed the good old commonsense rule. If you don't know the
> person who
> sends an email with an attachment, don't open the attachment! I
> simply
> deleted the email without opening the attachment and then deleted it
> from
> the deleted items folder to permanently delete it. As long as you
> don't
> open the attachment the virus will not activate. It is also a good
> idea to
> have good anti-virus software running at all times and keep it
> updated.
> It is a shame people have to do stuff like this, but the best
> defense is to
> be aware and educated about it.
> Mike
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