Re: Stroking a 4.7?

Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 02:01:03 EST

In a message dated 02/25/2000 1:20:26 AM !!!First Boot!!!,

<< My friend has a 95 Lightning and he says he wants to stroke the engine.
 what is stroking the engine
  can I do it to my 4.7 5spd 3.92 2wd ?
 about how much does it cost ? is it worth it ? >>

when you stroke the engine you go up to it and pet it and say nice engine
nice engine. engine wanna bone. heheh fetch engine fetch.

sorry i couldnt help it

actually stroking a motor is using longer piston rods to make the motor
have a longer stroke. Its beneficial in some cases but for the money you
spend on doing it i personally dont think its worth it on a street vehicle. i
personally feel its more for the guys who wanna say yeah its bored stroked
and blueprinted 440 magnum or 454 or 460 or wqhatever motor theire running


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