Re: RE: Why, I ask? Why?

From: Heather M (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 14:50:06 EST

Well, I am one of those...not once have you seen me "degrade" another
vehicle. I am a truck enthusiast. I love all trucks, with greater respect
to the Dodge family. I'm kinda fond of some of the cars, but driving a
truck, I just can't get used to a car again. Not to say I wouldn't drive
one, but hey...I love my truck. I also would make note that all people are
different and we all have different tastes. We were not made to mimic each
other and not one group is better than the other, but we are all best at
what we can do individually. I do not like to see posts on the DML that
degrades other individuals. Yes we poke around and pick on each other, but
if you don't/can't handle this, then don't even think about being on here.
Life is WAY TO F*CKING SHORT to not live it with as much happiness as we

I love all the DML members just because they enjoy the same thing I do
(Dakota's) but sometimes y'all just need to chill out and respect each
other's statements and opinions without going off the wall and taking it to
heart as an insult towards yourself.

Jus my toosense werf :)


Not pissed, just longwinded :)

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Steve St.Laurent" <>
To: <>
Subject: DML: RE: Why, I ask? Why?
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:43:04 -0800

Because I use to own that RICE BURNER TIN CAN WANNA-BE NOT TORQUE Honda
Accord. I am so glad that now I have Dakota..I am not ashamed anymore to
drive a real car, I mean truck. <chuckle>

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dave Scelfo
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 7:34 AM
Subject: DML: Why, I ask? Why?

Why must we refer to all imports as "Rice burning tin cans"? I just dont
get it. Last night my buddy came by my house in his brand spankin new 00
Type R. Holy Jeeze, what a fun ride. Its a completley different animal
than my truck and I have mucho respect for it. That little V-TEC thing
pulls like mad. If I had an extra 25k to blow, I might buy one. ;)
The funny thing is he says says "let go look for some rice burners." Just
cruised down Route 21 (the local drag strip) looking for blue headlights.
Anyways, no need to tell spank stories, just wondering if there are any
other car enthusiasts out there or is it just a bunch of "my mustang beats
up anything" closed minded computer geeks.


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