<<Depends on what kind of car he has, if its nice and his jewel or his
parents car, tie him up, prop him up a few feet away from the car, take
baloni, syrup, margarin, lipstick (if the cars white), Glad Cling Wrap.
Pour all the stuff over the car, take the wrapping and wrap it up, then take
some rope and tie him to the top of the car. oh yea, maybe put some marbles
in the gas tank, spagetti sticks in the door locks.>>
Hmmmmm... You have a sick mind, which I like! Ordinarily I wouldn't
condone this kind of thing but since he splattered Alan's rig, I think it
might be appropriate.
<<If no car, pull up a chair and tell him and watch him do an inside out
cleanup and waxing of your car.>>
Not as satisfying as the above, but I guess it works if he doesn't have a
car. Can't we tar and feather the bastard before he cleans up first
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