RE: Dakota oil pressure gauge

From: Ned Buckmaster (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 06:06:09 EST

That may be how it is supposed to work, but it's not because oil pressure
takes that long to build up. I've had too many other cars with
direct-connected mechanical and electrical oil pressure gauges to buy that.
Any engine that takes two seconds to build up measurable oil pressure is in
need of some serious work! There is an electronic delay built into the
display on our Dakotas.

Patrick Delgado wrote:

>That's how it's supposed to work. It takes a sec or 2 for the oil press to
>build up. Electricity(voltage gage) is alot faster than flowing
>cold oil). That's why most engine wear occurs at engine start-up.
>Dr. Pat

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