reminiscin' DML style was ---> crower buy

From: mike d. (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 03:28:11 EST

>>I'll just say that I too have also noticed the DML eroding a little
what it used to be. Like Sam I consider myself as one of the "old
timers" I believe I came on the list in '95 or so. Don't get me
wrong, I think the DML is still a GREAT list. But back when I first
joined..... man those were the days, NICE people and NO flames. (35
messages a day was much more manageable too! I actually read every
single one for 3 years or so...)

Anyway, Sam, I for one really appreciate you going through the trouble
to set up this GB and I'm sure MANY others feel the same way. If I
had the cash right now I'd deffinately be in for a PK kit. Keep up
the good work Sam, if one person complains about your GB there's
probably 100 others who are very thankful for it.<<

I gotta side with Mike C. on this one!

Beleive it or not, I've been on the list since Jan. 97 and it's had it's
moments where I wanted to unsubscribe (lack of love for the premags...
you know how it goes..hehe) but I still love it!!!!. I was present for
the "Arm out the window" mod, the Tony/Amanda thing, the numerous Jules
assaults, the R/T vs. pre97 318's, the infamous Synthetic vs. DinoOil
flame war of 98 (thought we were gonna have to instate the draft!). What
I'm getting at is this: the list is great and it's become part of my
daily routine and contributed to my delinquincy substancially. We can try
to keep it the mild mannered list it used to be, but people don't pay
attention to the ADMIN post (posted just today if anyone needs to brush
up) and with 700+ members, it's hard to keep them all flame free all the
time with conflicting veiws and different experiences etc.
This list still kicks all arsse, and watching it grow has been great. In
order to keep our sanity levels high, here are a few things that I've
done over the the years to keep people from hating my piddly arsse:
1. Find your delete key.. use it a lot. It'll actually take less time to
delete off-topic posts and flames than it will to bitch about them
2. If someone says something stupid or is acting like a jerkoff, just
think of this: they have to live with being themselves for the rest of
their lives... you only have to suffer if the afore mentioned delete key
doesn't work =)
3. Do your part in the "snip, cut, paste" when replying.. takes 5 seconds
and saves everyone else time...
5. remember.. it's just e-mail... relax...
6. Try and show some love for people who organize group buys and work for
the list as a whole. Even if the item is for 87 Dakota's with over the
rail liners only, at least drop the guy an e-mail with a "thanks man!"...
once again, takes 5 seconds...
7. take flames private!!!! I think reading other people's flames makes
everyone else want to flame, then a flame war starts...
8. use this: =) <or> ;-) <or> :-) A LOT! especially if you are sarcastic
like me....

it's been real guys!! I'm stickin' around!!

-mike d. / ooV6 (soon to be oo360)

---> Yorktown, Va.
"PROJECT 13's" .... 88 Dakota LE: slammed, painted, and gettin' a built
Magnum 360

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