That febreeze stuff works pretty good. I used to work at a restaurant and my
does the smell stick. Spray the hell out of the fabric and set it outside
with the windows down for a day. It'll help a lot
<< My truck which was handed down to me from my dad is kept clean. i keep it
all shiny and spotless most of the time. one thing i hate is a smell in the
cab when you open it up. i like to ride witht he windows down and sometimes
it will just hold a smellwhen you first open the dorr if it had the
windows shut. Also. I dont like people smoking in my truck but on long trips
i'll let them. and i dont want my dad smelleing it and blaming iton me.
Whats the best thing to mkae it stay smeeling good with out overwhelming it?
And im not talking about little pinetrees hanging on my rear view mirror.all
other ideas appreciatred >>
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