RE: RE: Nitrous vs. Supercharger vs. Turbo

From: Stlaurent Mr Steven (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 18:06:40 EST

Ok now! Let's not flame Bernd on the NOS now. He He

Steven St.Laurent
Test Engineer
Test Branch, GSD,MCTSSA
MARCORSYSCOM, US Marine Corps (work) (home)
Office: (760) 725-2296

-----Original Message-----
From: dakota_24 []
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 2:38 PM
To: DML Digest
Subject: DML: RE: Nitrous vs. Supercharger vs. Turbo

Ok lets think about this nitrus kit 800 supercharger kit 2500 with that math
figures in at a 1700 savings not quite. with refills at 35(per bernd) that
figures in at 48.5 refills so at 1 per week that figures that after 4 years
you will have spent the same amount. and then you figure the lost races
because of an empty bottle plus the cost of new air hats at about 40 bucks
you do the math. lol ;)
just my $5.2
95 rc 5spd
13.9@95 no sc or nitrus
ps i'm about a day behind on my reading again so sorry for the late post

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