TB drivability questions

From: Kevin Dudak (dakk@iland.net)
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 13:16:06 EST

Well, I ordered a set of headers and a cat back system. I am looking at
getting a a K&N and TB, but want to make sure it makes sense. I am not
going to race the truck but rather use it for off roading a little and
towing. It is also my daily driver, I want more power, and a few mpg would
be nice. Is the TB going to hurt the drivability, i.e.. bucking, poor idle,

What TB do you all recommend? I wont spend $900 on one, but want a good
one. Was thinking of the Quick-D.


95 Dak Sport, CC, 4x4, 318, 5spd

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