Re: No More MBTE

From: Mike Schwall (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 18:03:26 EST

At 05:38 AM 3/21/2000 , you wrote:
>Ya know, the news keeps reporting that the Clinton Admin. wants to eliminate
>MBTE (the gas additive that's supposed to reduce smog) 'cause it's polluting
>the ground water and replace it with ethanol (made from corn)... What
>talking about is what effect this will have on engine performance.
>Does anybody know?

The 2000 Taurus rent-a-crap I got to replace my Dak while it's being
repaired is a dual fuel car - runs on both ethanol fuel and regular
unleaded. Haven't found a gas station that has ethanol fuel yet so can't
comment on the engine performance, but ethanol capable vehicles are in



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