Ordering New SLT

From: Joseph Council (joseph_council@yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Apr 16 2000 - 14:01:56 EDT

I am going to order my new SLT this week, I was wondering what to expect as
I venture into this process (this is new for me). I have in the past just
purchased one off the lot or they found one. I would like to know from if I
have to put down a deposit? I have a trade, will I be expected to trade at
the time of the order. or later? Also, can I trade at the time of the order?
The dealer told me it would take 8 to 12 weeks, has anyone experienced any
longer or shorter time frames? How long do you have to be a Member of Farm
Bureau to receive the discount. Can I receive the FB discount and the Cash
allowance from dodge?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Joe C.
Smithfield, VA

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