RE: It's ELECTRIC!!........

From: Wisotzkey, Rich (
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 11:43:35 EDT

Hey GS,
What type of thermal switch do you have?
Rich - Ashburn, VA

-----Original Message-----
From: GSWillhite []
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: DML: It's ELECTRIC!!........

I have the dual flex-a-lite 210 for my 318 and when it warms
up to the old stock temp (near straight up on the gauge,190-195)
the fans turn on and cools it back down to the left side of the
gauge. Check it out:
                                        TEMP GAUGE
The fans come on here: (...!....) this is the old stock temp.

And cools is back to: (.!......) with A/C.

Without A/C it runs cool: (!.......)

Need to get the 180 thermo if you don't have it.

GS -

PS There's a helluva easy way to take the fan off.

> What type/size fans should I get for a 318... I think this could be worth

> it, that fan jsut seems like it'd take ALOT of engine power to spin (seein
> how that's how dyno simulate friction)
> Greg
> PS I wanna be able to sit in traffic, not moving in 90 Degree weather with

> A/C on no overheating (Like right now) would a eletric fan of the same
> as the ones that's on there do the same amount, or would dual electrics
> a 14 and a 10???) be better?

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