Re: Trailer Wiring Plug: Corrosion

From: Doug Fedeli (
Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 14:17:14 EDT

I've got a 6 wire setup for my camper and when it was put in they put enough
slack in the wires to push the wires up through the gap in the tailgate. The
plug goes in the bed and out of the weather. The only time I had to replace it
was when I wrapped it around the hitch and it came loose and I dragged it on the

Doug Fedeli.

Kyle Kozubal wrote:

> Just curious, but are you guys going through as many trailer wiring plugs as
> I am? I have replaced two plugs now and I think I may need to replace a
> third. I am using the flat 4 type of plug. These plugs just seem to attract
> corrosion so bad, they destroy the contacts and the corrosion starts going
> back into the wire. I do put some anti-corrosion gel in the plug every time
> I put the 'cap' back on it. The plug, as many of you know, doesn't really
> snap on and cover the terminals effectively, this is why I use the gel on
> the terminals; but this haven't even worked. Any ideas?
> Kyle
> 93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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