I've seen this web link before. Awesome, awesome suspension on this Dakota.
Unfortunately, it is completely custom built (scavenging parts from a '79
Ford I think)
But very cool. I'd love to do something similar with a solid axle front end.
I'd love to see some pics of the suspension hardware to see how it was done!
Dave Kilian -- Clayton, NC
'96 Dakota CC 4x4 3.9L 5-spd, 4" TM susp. lift, 2" Body lift, 33" BFG MT's
In a message dated 6/21/00 12:57:46 PM, adakota4x4@hotmail.com writes:
<< Don't know if this guy is on the list or not, but I just stumbled upon his
page and had to share it. This guy has a 92 dak 4x4 cc, with 10" of lift!
He's got some GREAT pictures on his website. Check it out.
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