Plugs are in!

From: Andy Levy (
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 11:55:22 EDT

Well, after spending $10 on parts and $60 on tools, I've got new spark
plugs (Autolite 3923s). They didn't give me any crap at Advance over
the plugs - didn't even ask what they were for. We had a terrible time
on the right bank (started there) trying to get the socket out of there
after torquing the plugs down; that little ruber ring just would not let
go, and with the heat shield there, you can't reach your fingers in
there. So, I shot some WD-40 into the socket before doing each plug and
it worked much, much better - the socket just slid right off.

I didn't get wires or a distributor cap this time around; I used that
money on whiteface gauges. I'll do at least the wires Labor Day

I swear, when those stock plugs broke free, it sounded like something
really did break. The FSM may spec 30 ft-lbs but these were a LOT more
than that. The plugs didn't look too bad, actually. Very little
discoloration, and almost no gunk on them. But the gaps were very
inconsistent - either they weren't gapped at the factory, they wore
unevenly, or both.

Mileage and butt-dyno figures to come; I refilled the tank on my way
home from my shopping spree (so I can get a full tank reading right
away) and only took a 5-mile trip afterwards to shake things down. The
engine seemed smoother and pinging wasn't as noticable.

-andy --- ------------------------------------------------------------- "I spilled spot remover on my dog. He's gone now..." --- Steve Wright -------------------------------------------------------------

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