Off the top of my head:
318 discontinued, 4.7L introduced (but I see you have a 3.6L V6).
Rack & pinion steering on 4x4s (pre-2000 are recirc. ball)
Revised door panels (likely no mechanical differences though)
I'm sure there are more changes, but I haven't had a chance to poke
around on a '00 much yet.
Looper wrote:
> Is there any differances between the 1999 and 2000
> dakota's. In terms of engine, drive train, brakes ect;
> The reason I'm asking is I wrote Hayes a note asking
> about an updated manual for the 2000 Dakota's and
> recieved the following:
> >Dear Sir:
> >
> >Sorry, the manual you are requesting is not on my
> >current schedules for 2000 at this time.
> >Thank you for your interest in Haynes
> >Automotive/Motorcycle Manuals.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >Carl Armstrong
> >Technical Research Representative, USA
> =====
> Flame Red 2000 QC SLT V6 Manual
> Right now I'm OEM boy.
> Soon to be Aftermarket boy...
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-- -andy --- ------------------------------------------------------------- "I spilled spot remover on my dog. He's gone now..." --- Steve Wright -------------------------------------------------------------
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