Neon spanks Viper

From: Steve Preston (
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 18:16:08 EDT

Just got back from the Mopar Nationals.They had various cars running for
1/4 mile times.Fastest Viper was like 11.4 seconds at 122 mph.Fastest
neon was like 130 mph and about half a second less time.People were
spellbound.The announcer said,"Uh,I don`t think it was exactly
stock".Sounded like it had more than a 2.0 under the hood.As far as
vendors go,prices were very fair.A small cup of lemonade or a soft drink
was only $3.00,and fried bologna sandwiches were only about
$5.00,shoot.We walked all over that place trying to find cheap
refreshments.Finally,we saw a small Duchess store(like a miniature
7-eleven)at the end of the 1/4 mile track,and I said"Yeah,that`s what
I`m talkin` about"! We went in,20 oz bottle of Coke:$2.50.But anyway,Dak
content: Got me a blue Ram`s head pinstripe kit for my slider window to
put on my I.B. Dak.Some guy had MSD 6A ignition boxes for $169.Good
price? I passed on it,figuring it was probably high.TTYL,Steve P.(now
with white torso and dark red extremities)

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