RE: Suggestion for frequently asked questions

From: Kenneth Berntsen (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 11:45:16 EDT

Hey Ron

Sounds like a pretty good idea. It could provide a quick FAQ to answer some
of thos pesky little questions that alwyas come up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chapell, Ron
To: Dlm (E-mail)
Sent: 8/17/00 6:30 AM
Subject: DML: Suggestion for frequently asked questions

Since there is a main web page for the DML and there are issues that
reoccurring quite often, wouldn't it be a good idea to maybe have a
section on the website. For example it could list a suggestion for what
spark plugs to run and at what gap according to your particular
application.(Personally I think this one is the most important since it
seems to be brought up every week. But I know that we are always glad to
help.) There are other issues that seem to get the same responses also
would make for good items to be included. I know that one can look in
archives but when you get 1000's of matches, who wants to look through
all. This wouldn't be something to include everything, just the more
upon issues. Any other suggestions or comments are more than welcome.


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