But do you give up clearance between the chassis and ground?
Chris Lambert wrote:
> Does anyone have one of
> these? http://www.kennybrown.com/dakotabrac.html What is the general
> consesnus, I am thinking it would be a good all around handling mod, and
> even help a bit in the quarter since it stiffens everything up... What do
> you all think? Bernd, is there an extra one I can have in that weekly
> truck-o-parts that shows up?
> -Chris
> **************************************************************************************
> '00 CC, Packin a 287 Magnum, 5-sp, Gibson Duals, Traction Bars, Alarm,
> Pioneer Stereo, Bugflector II Bug Guard, Fender Flairs, Tinted Windows,
> Spring Clamps, Magnum Front Plate, Quick D Intake, "Smoke Em" Decal
> **************************************************************************************
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@bigfoot.com ------------------------------------------------------------- "I spilled spot remover on my dog. He's gone now..." --- Steve Wright -------------------------------------------------------------
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