Re: Good news on Power Wagon

From: Richard A Pyburn (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 13:15:23 EDT

Yep!!! Awesome possibilities.

The depressing fact to me is that after so many years of dull, lifeless
vehicles compared to the late sixties, there has suddenly been a
groundswell of performance vehicles with each manufacturer trying to
"out-muscle" the other. Now, here comes the oil industry again attempting
to spoil the party. Yesterday there were reports out that oil could hit
$40 a barrel by this winter. I am not totally dismayed by this report as
it is part sensationalism and part opportunism and I also realize that
higher prices lead to more exploration and production from wells that
were considered marginal at lower market prices for crude thereby making
more oil available and a greater supply, etc., etc.

I guess what does bother me is that the high prices for oil will have a
negative effect on the current trend to higher performance and more
power. It tool the industry a long time to get over the fuel "shortage"
of the early seventies.

Richard inb San Antonio

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 18:31:59 -0400 Preacher <>
> At 11:58 AM 9/15/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >Check out the buzz:
> >
> >
> Can you imagine that sucker with the V10 engine? Supposedly the
> rumor mill
> says it will be offered with the 5.7 HEML, the 6.1 HEMI and the
> V10...
> Man.... that might be enough to make me change from a Dakota......
> <drool>
> Preacher

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