DML Camping trip Update

Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 22:24:12 EDT

Well Guys about half of the people that responded to the first time I posted
about the trip have confirmed. Tomarrow is the last day to confirm your spot.
I have to know by the end of the day if you will attend some people are
coming Friday night and some are coming Sat. You can see the people that have
confirmed by going to <A
HREF="">> Also Matt is Al Adams
still coming and Ron is Brad Carbaugh still coming and did you want to meet
up at my place Friday and ride up with me and my friend. I know there is a
lot of Daks in the area so come on guy and gals lets get together and have
some fun. It is going to be a great weekend the great outdoors, BBQ, Beer
Daks and DMLers. e-mail me and let me know if you want to go I will reserve
you a spot. the cost is 17.00 per night for 2 trucks and 2 tents max 6 people
and 10.00 per truck when you enter the park.

Chris Lambert

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