Re: Dodge Dakota Report

From: Steve Preston (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 20:57:28 EDT

I also believe that we`re not getting anywhere with this CR issue.They
may or may not be right on their numbers.The Dakota is heavy.That`s
because it has thick,reinforced sheetmetal.On the other hand,Toyota`s
truck has thin sheetmetal.The sound a Toyota door makes when you shut it
sounds like a Dakota`s glovebox door shutting.The other trucks also do
not have as thick a body as a Dak.But for such a heavy truck,the 3.9 is
a rather low-performance motor.Instead of a 318 with two cylinders
hacked off,they should have based the V6 on the 360,which would be a 270
V6.I do think that if the 3.9 were put in one of those other trucks,they
would change their minds about it`s performance.The only thing that we
have to argue with CR about is the fact that they compared acceleration
among trucks in different classes.Who cares what Consumer Reports thinks
about `em,anyway?It`s like trying to tell someone that they`re voting
for the wrong person for President.You really gonna change their mind?
It does not bother me at all to know that my V6 Dak has strong points
and weak points.Now that I have some birthday money,I will attempt to
address some of the weak points! Steve P.

99 Dakota Sport Intense Blue RC 4X4 V6 42RE 3.92 Anti-Spin w/Infinity CD
system and optional hand-crank windows (2) 3923 Autolite spark plugs
Big Blue Ram sticker in the slider window that intimidates people into
establishing a safe following distance

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