I'd like to avoid the mess & hassle of draining & dropping the tank. I
don't exactly have the room/resources available to me to do it where I
live. Replacing an inline filter is a pretty quick job, I wouldn't have
to jack the truck up even.
Kyle Kozubal wrote:
> Atleast on my GenII Dakota, it only takes about 5 minutes to dropp the tank.
> Some people say just to take the bed off, but I cant see how this is easier
> if you do indeed need access to the fuel pump/filter.
> Kyle
> 93 Dakota 4x4 V6
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@bigfoot.com ------------------------------------------------------------- "We like AMD. The enemy of our enemy is our friend." --- Jonathan Schwartz Sun senior vice president -------------------------------------------------------------
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