I head north but take a left and get up into central Vermont... I tried Maine
once but I kept getting lost... hehehe
What's this about no hunting on Sunday?! ;-)
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Subject: Re: DML: Sshh, be vewy wewy quite!!
Author: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: 11/1/00 3:56 PM
and it true to!! I 've tried a few times hahahahaaaa!!!!
Where abouts you heading Tom? My family has a cabin in Guilford Maine.
fawcett@uism.bu.edu wrote:
> Cool Beans! Good luck and remember, "Ya cahnt get theaar from heaar"...
> Classic Maine proverb for the uninitiated... ;-)
> I'm heading north 11/10 and I can't wait!!!!!!
> Tom
> ____________________Reply Separator____________________
> Subject: DML: Sshh, be vewy wewy quite!!
> Author: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
> Date: 11/1/00 1:28 PM
> Ok,
> I'm packed and ready fer some Huntin'!!!.......Just wanted to say so
> long for a week or so to everyone!
> To all the other Hunters out there, please keep it smart and safe! and
> good luck!!!.......
> Bernd, if I bag one this year I'll send ya some jerky.
> 5 Hour road trip Friday from MASS to MAINE and I got a bottle NOS for my
> tank, yeeeehaaawwww!!
> "psychonaut"
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