Re: Fuel Injector cleaner vs. A good old fashion road trip(good story)

Date: Thu Nov 02 2000 - 17:22:32 EST

I agree with David 110% on this one. Are you dam lucky you didn't get killed
But didn't kill somebody else driving out there. If somebody hurt or killed
my wife or kids with a dumb a** move like that, belive me that I would hunt
them down like a dog and make sure the spend the rest of thire life in jail!!

Don Mallett


we just went through this the other day with a kid...

now you..

U are dam lucky u didnt get killed or

hit a kid..

I'm getting tired of reading all this "speed bull****!...

If i ever see this kind of posting on my Egroups list,that person will get
flamed & banned!

sorry,just my opinion...

David Digney moderator
>Subject: DML: Fuel Injector cleaner vs. A good old fashion road trip(good
>Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:21:52 EST
> I loaned my 98 4x4 318 V8 CC sport to my father this past weekend for
>1,000 mile round trip from chicago to north central wisconsin to put our 3
>ton boat into storage. Whatever he did while he had the truck made it run a
>whole hell of alot smoother and faster. It used to prematurely downshift
>before and be sluggish out of the hole. Well not anymore. I was meeting a
>friends at a bar in Lincoln Park which is about 30 miles from my house. The
>time was 11:00 when I left my house, a trip that normally takes me 30
>turned into 15 at 105 mph. That truck was acting like a top fuel dragster.
>It wound up so high before shifting i thought something was wrong. I raced
>and beat a off road edition Turd F-150 with no problem. In fact I beat him
>so much I thought he accidentally put his truck in reverse. Heres the
>We ended up 45 miles from my house at loyola university. My friend who was
>also there has a 99 CC V6 4x4 dakota and we decided to road race on the way
>home. He made the first light which happened to be at a 6 way intersection
>before. The light for me took 5 minutes. So, he was five minutes ahead of
>To make a long story short this trip from loyola to my house normally takes
>45 minutes driving around 65 mph on lakeshore drive and through downtown
>chicago. Halfway home, he jumped on the expressway and I missed the turn.
>i decided since its 3am Id try my damndest to beat him home. I ran like 3
>lights and 4 stop signs by taking the long way home and still i pulled up
>his house 2 doors away from mine right behind him. The highest recorded
>my passenger recorder was 108 mph in a 35 mph zone and an official time of
>about 20 minutes. I LOVE ROAD RACES. Some may think this was dangerous and
>immature but the whole way home all I hear was the rumble of the single
>chamber dual outlet flowmaster growling with satisfaction. At this time you
>may be asking why I chose to write this and ill tell you why, because
>yesterday my dakota ran like the day i took it off the showroom floor. That
>mean ass 318, I wouldnt trade it for the world. 36,000 miles and all !!!!!
>I still have an adrenalin rush.
>Mike Gresk
>98 CC Sport 318 V8 4x4
>(It aint for sale, dont ask, Im never selling it, im gonna die in it, if
>cant ram it at least dodge it, flowmaster all the way) Touch my truck and
>jam a toothpick in your eyesocket !!!!!

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