aaaarrghh!! Dak STILL not fixed! (long)

From: Steve Preston (
Date: Fri Nov 17 2000 - 21:49:36 EST

OK,NOW I`m gettin` pissed. They just put a new fuel pump on my truck and
it still runs like crap.I drove it for one hour after leaving the
dealer,and it ran like a 2.5 pulling a house (no offence,2.5ers,you have
more power than I do,at this point).It runs just like it did when I
dropped it off last week.They did replace a ball joint,so I have no more
"clunk".But that`s overshadowed by the fact that this sag/hesitation
persists after about 10 months of fighting with it,and I`ve only had my
Dak for 13 months,I think.Again,I will post my problem in detail (it
helps to share my pain with others,if nothing else).My truck(99 V6 auto
3.92 gears) just loses power and feels like it`s missing.Some days it`s
like this constantly,other days it comes and goes at random.The surging
and power loss occur during takeoff,at W.O.T,and at steady highway
driving.The severity of it changes constantly.It may climb a large hill
fine,without losing any power,and not even have to downshift.But a mile
down the road,when a very small hill comes up (or no hill at all) it
will start sagging really bad,and MPH will drop off so fast,it`s like
taking my foot clear off the gas,and I have to floor it.Then it
downshifts,hits the rev limiter,makes a lot of noise,and slowly I will
gain some MPH until I reach the speed limit.Then it will start kickin`
ass again a few minutes later,and I can click along up steep
grades,easily maintaining 65 mph in overdrive.There you have it.That`s
what it does.And the TPS was replaced,the fuel pump has now been
changed,and the TSB on the plug wire reroute has been done.I`m at 12,000
miles.Ignition problem? Fuel delivery problem?(regulator,injectors,etc.)
No trouble code has ever been set by the computer,BTW. Map sensor? I`ll
bet no one on this list is smart enough to figure this out!! hehe. (Jedi
mind trick) Steve P.

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