Re: Any DML's in the Indiana area

From: Andy Levy (
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 19:48:10 EST

I was referring specifically to the CD-R Mavica. I know several people
with the floppy Mavicas, and my father has a Richoh with some kind of
memory card. One of the things that I've been holding out on before
getting a digital camera is large-capacity, OS-independent
storage/interface. Things don't get much better than CD-R for that.

Dak Hops wrote:
> They are bad a$$.
> I'll send you a pic of my truck if you want to see!
> Hop.
> >From: Andy Levy <>
> >How do you like the Mavica? I looked at it briefly, lusted after one,
> >then I saw the price tag.
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-andy --- ------------------------------------------------------------- modesty, n.: Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness -------------------------------------------------------------

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